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Neel: Help

Do you want to find out more about separation and divorce? Or do you need some extra help dealing with your parents deciding to live apart? Here are some ideas...

There are lots of people around you who can help you deal with your parents’ separation.

Sometimes just talking to a friend can help a lot, especially if his or her parents have also split up.

You can also talk to an adult you trust, like

  • a relative (an aunt or uncle, or your grandmother or grandfather);
  • your teacher;
  • your school counselor;
  • someone at your place of worship; or
  • your family doctor.

These people can help by

  • just listening,
  • suggesting things you can do to make things better, or
  • giving you the names of other people who can help.

Help Line

California Youth Crisis Line

Links to other non-judicial branch websites are provided for your convenience only. The Judicial Council of California is not responsible for their content

Books For Kids

I Don't Want to Talk About It

Jeanie Franz Ransom & Kathy Kunz Finney, Magination Press, 2000
For ages 4-8. Dealing with feelings.

The Divorce Workbook for Children

Lisa M.Schab, Instant Help Books, 2008
Children of divorced parents will benefit from caring, friendly activities in this book. While children may sometimes not show apparent signs of the stress of a divorce, the strain it places on them is very real and, left undealt with, can develop into serious problems in years to come.

The Family Circus

Becky McNeely and Don Gordon Tishomingo County Families First Resource Center, 2004
Based on Children in the Middle by Jack Arbuthnot and Donald Gordon, this illustrated booklet is designed for children. 

Two Homes

Claire Masurel & Kady Denton, Candlewick, 2003
For ages 2-5. Reassurances about having two homes after divorce or separation.

What Can I Do? : A Book for Children of Divorce

Lowry, Danielle Magination Press, 2001