This section describes the services, websites, and publications that can help you with child support.
Child Support Services
The California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) is the state agency that makes policy and oversees the child support services for the state. The local child support agency (LCSA), located in every county, is a county agency that provides the public with day-to-day services establishing and enforcing child support orders made by the courts.
The LCSA is where you can get help to:
The LCSA CANNOT help you with:
Either parent who needs help with establishing paternity or establishing or enforcing a child support order can request the help from the local child support agency. Help is available to everyone from the local child support agency whether or not you receive public assistance.
Learn more about the Department of Child Support Services and find your local child support agency.
Family law facilitators are part of the court and can provide information, court forms and assist in the completion of the forms for free and may be found in each county by clicking here.
The California Department of Child Support Services Child Support Handbook
Information on many topics, including:
Child Support Enforcement Abroad
Posted by the U.S. Department of State.
LawHelpCalifornia: Child Support
Links to information on child support for incarcerated parents, child support enforcement abroad, child support forms and more. (Select your county or enter your zip code for information specific to the area that you live in.)
A Quick Reference Guide to the California Offices of the Family Law Facilitator
Published by the Judicial Council of California.
Sacramento County Public Law Library Legal Guides
This site has a list of books on family law and other legal topics.